10 necessary things if you are going to the mountains

The army of fans of skiing or snowboarding, already numerous, is constantly replenished with recruits. But both experienced riders and beginners should remember that even the most civilized resort needs to be thoroughly prepared for a trip. Is it worth making a list of necessary things? Of course! It will be very disappointing if at a crucial moment there is not something irreplaceable at hand. There are a number of universal tips that are mandatory, no matter what type of vacation you choose.

First aid kit
Let’s start with an obvious, but extremely necessary subject. The first aid kit must be in your luggage. Of course, take the minimum standard set – remedies for colds, which are easy to catch in the mountains, for allergies, as well as medications that help with various digestive disorders, which often happens on trips.
Plasters will be very useful to you – take them more than usual, and preferably waterproof. And an ointment or gel for bruises and an elastic bandage. If you take any medications on a regular basis, be sure to take a stock with you until the end of the trip, plus a small reserve in case of force majeure. By the way, if you are going abroad, do not forget to include an item about extreme sports in your travel insurance. If the policy is issued without this clause, the insurance company may refuse to pay in case of injury, say, while snowboarding.
Flask and thermos
Water is one of the main and vital resources for the human body. Especially with active movement – you will definitely want to drink. If you have a long mountain trek in your plans, think about the water supply in advance. For skiing, there are even special flasks with carabiners that can be fastened, for example, to a belt.
If you prefer a hot drink, a thermos will suit you. After all, it’s a pleasure to drink hot tea in the cold. Or maybe coffee or cocoa. This is one of the best ways to keep warm if you are cold on the slope. Experts, by the way, advise you to take the choice of a thermos as seriously as possible – take it with a metal flask and check before departure for how long it really keeps warm.

It’s no secret that everything you need for skiing can now be rented directly at the resort, and go on vacation light. But if you take the process seriously, you won’t mess with rental inventory. Therefore, take your own, as proven as possible. Skis or a board, or maybe several sets in covers. Sticks and boots. Helmets, glasses, masks and a variety of protection. For those who are engaged in freeriding, a special backpack with an anatomical back is simply indispensable. Make sure that he sits securely and tightly on his back, he has adjustable straps, a waist belt and fixation on the chest – all this will help you soften the impact when falling.

Outerwear should be selected based on what you intend to do in the mountains – a suit for skiing or snowboarding, a special suit for hiking. But now we will talk about what to wear regardless of the type of leisure. It is important to remember that during skiing you will get wet both from the outside – under snow and rain, and from the inside – physical exertion will make you sweat. Therefore, the layer of clothing that comes into contact with the skin should remove excess moisture. Modern materials cope with this task, and this is the case when it is worth making a choice in favor of synthetics.
Thermal underwear is an indispensable thing for those who plan to spend time outdoors. It is also important to choose the right one. The main parameter is the thickness, and its choice depends on what temperature is expected in the place of skiing. Underwear should not constrain movements, but at the same time tightly fit the body and do not rub at the seams where they are.
Also, special disposable catalytic hot water bottles can help you, which are now easy to find in stores – you can put one, depending on the size, in a shoe or glove, and its action will last for several hours.
It is better to take fleece sweaters, they are lighter than woolen ones. In general, do not overdo it with clothes if you are not going to the Far North. Tested – in order not to freeze, it is better to move a little more actively than to put on an additional layer.
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For most modern people, life is unthinkable without various kinds of electronics. A smartphone is probably number one in this list of necessary things. This is not only communication with the outside world through calls and various messengers, but also access to the Internet and many other useful functions. For example, maps. If you followed our recommendation and hit the road by car, a smartphone may come to your aid in an unfamiliar area. In places where you can still search for a cellular signal, offline maps will be useful, and you can also take a special tracker. Or even an old–school paper map, but it will definitely help you find your way in any situation.
From other devices, it is also worth taking a tablet and/or laptop. One of the indispensable accessories of skiers and snowboarders is an action camera that will help you capture the best descents. For those who like to ride on the “puffy” outside the marked trails, a beeper is required – a device that can save your life in case of an avalanche. Well, do not forget to bring additional batteries for all devices, in case there is no outlet at hand at some point.
Sun protection and personal hygiene
Someone is ready to take with them huge cosmetic bags with shower gels, shampoos, styling products and other lotions. And someone thinks that you can buy absolutely everything on the spot. We always recommend that you have the necessary minimum with you: a toothbrush, toothpaste, comb and nail scissors.
In order not to look for hygiene products and cosmetics all over the suitcase, put everything you need in a dressing case. In addition, do not forget to throw in the same sun protection products. Bright rays can cause problems not only for lovers of lying on the beach – it’s easy to get burned in the mountains, don’t forget about it for a minute. You need a cream or spray with a high protection factor (SPF of at least 30, and preferably 50+), otherwise you will walk with a red face on the second day. Update the protection every two to three hours. The hair also burns out in the mountains, so you can take a special tool with you. Hygienic lipstick will save you from constantly chapped lips. Also grab sunglasses. Your eyes will thank you.

Everything for a sweet sleep
No matter how fanatical you are, it is impossible to spend 24 hours a day on the slope. Therefore, every lover of winter holidays needs a haven for the remaining time – depending on the budget of the trip, you can count on both a chic spa hotel and affordable chalets and bungalows of varying degrees of comfort. Often, a company of riders takes off a whole house and has fun in it in their free time.
But do not forget about the rest. If you are going to live in Spartan conditions, you may need a sleeping bag. Even if you are not going to sleep on the floor, it is sometimes more than cool in mountain hotels. Some advise you to carry your own pillow with you – for example, on an orthopedic model you can get a great night’s sleep and feel more cheerful. If you are a light sleeper, and you have to spend the night in the same room with your neighbors, ordinary earplugs will save you. Complete the set with a blindfold – and you are ready for any twists and turns.
If women rarely go anywhere without a minimum set of cosmetics, then any tools are dear to the heart of any man. You don’t need a full set in the mountains, but experienced snowboarders recommend always taking a special screwdriver with you for fasteners.
As an option, you can limit yourself to a multifunctional folding knife with various useful items inside – and for freeriding in “wild” places, it is probably necessary. Be careful if you are flying by plane – you will not be allowed to carry such a useful, but potentially dangerous thing into the cabin, put it in your luggage.
Shoe Dryers
A small but very useful thing is a portable shoe dryer. This is not the cheapest and most obvious accessory, but those who are used to using it do not imagine another life. The conditions of skiing and recreation are different, but the rider’s shoes should always be dry and warm. To do this, you need such a device, compact and completely safe. In addition, it will help to dry the gloves.
And to keep other important things warm, take with you, for example, a sealed phone case. This will help you not to get your gadget wet, and you can use the touch screen without taking the phone out of such a case. It can also be attached to clothes so as not to lose it while riding.